My road to running, and running down the road of distance running.

Injury Report

| Monday, November 10, 2008
So I had a long run as part of my half-marathon training, I did an 8-mile long run on yesterday. Everything felt pretty good. I had run 8 miles before but it felt better this time around.

It was an 8-mile run with 3 breaks spread out during the run, so I scheduled breaks at mile 3, 5 and 7. After the last walking break, I started up on my run and I could feel pain in my left knee. Eventually it went away and then I developed a blister in my arch on my right foot around the 7.5 mile mark but it was manageable.

I treated the blister and proceeded to have an early lunch. I had a can of Coke in my hand as I walked into the kitchen and it slipped and landed edge first on the top of my foot. It actually left a cut on the top of my foot and a nice swollen bruise on the top of my right foot.

My left knee is still sore this morning. A bit of self-diagnosis from the internets indicated I have Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, or runner's knee. Self-treatment would be to stop running, ice, elevation, NSAIDs, and strengthening the quadriceps muscle in that leg.

So it looks like I'm on the shelf for 5-7 days. Yay.

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