My road to running, and running down the road of distance running.

In the beginning...

| Sunday, November 9, 2008
So this is actually my 2nd attempt at blogging about running. In general, I find it difficult to commit time to blogging regularly. But I figure, committing time to running takes more time than posting.

Why run?

Firstly, I'm pretty much built for running. My frame is slight, I'm fairly lean.

Second, it doesn't require a lot of equipment. No helmets, bats, sticks, padding, skates, clips or what-not. Just a pair of shoes.

Third, why not?

I got into running because of one person -- my wife. After many years of both being couch potatoes and sedentary, she decided to get in shape. It all started with exercise. She lost weight, which made it easier to exercise, which helped her lose more weight, etc. etc. I saw all the great benefits. She was active and lively, and she looked AWESOME! :) I wanted in on part of that magic.

Then more incentive...the Nike+ iPod kit. What an awesome way to track all the stats from runs and an objective way to track progress. Me being a numbers guy, it was the perfect fit.

I realize now that the numbers are just numbers, and numbers don't always tell the whole story. They don't tell what you're feeling, how hard or easy the runs are, things that numbers can't describe.

All for now, more later.

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