My road to running, and running down the road of distance running.

Signs signs everywhere a sign...

| Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday was my first run since the last days of 2008. It was a simple 2-miler. I had many opportunities to go for runs, but never really did take advantage of them. Sleep sounded like a better idea. The late-night and early morning baby feedings had taken an initial toll on me.

I started getting signs it was time to start rundning again. I started getting additional magazine subscriptions to Running Times and Runner's World. I got an e-mail that the registration for the Chicago Marathon was open. I got something in the mail for a local running event. Someone was telling me something.

I completed the 2 miles without problem. It felt good to be running again. I took my usual gear with me but my Nike+ sensor had died so I wasn't able to track my pace. I consider that a sign too. Someone telling me not to worry about pace and just go out and get moving. So I did just that. It was free and easy, not thinking about pace, heart rate, or some other metric.

So, it starts today. Running is back.